Ben Tunui (Ngāti Awa, Te Ātiawa) of Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington School of Architecture won the annual design competition for final-year students from New Zealand's three schools of architecture with his project 'Utu'.
Three highly commended awards were also conferred at this year’s awards – to Izzat Ramli and Abby-Jane Taylor, both from from Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau The University of Auckland – School of Architecture and Planning, and Dimitri Thamel from Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka, Unitec, School of Architecture. The 2020 judges were Te Kāhui Whaihanga President Judi Keith-Brown, architect William Samuels and co-chair Ngā Aho Te Wai Pounamu Keri Whaitiri.

The Te Kāhui Whaihanga 2020 Student Design Awards were kindly presented by Resene, a locally owned and operated business, and a loyal supporter of New Zealand architecture.