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Ostend Road House by Bull O’Sullivan Architects.
Photo by Simon Devitt
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Stuart Gardyne
2015 Gold Medal interview
I quite like the modesty of those little houses in Karori and Ngaio. There’s something far more captivating about achieving something with a paucity of means.

Tessa Forde
Open category winner, Warren Trust Architectural Writing Awards
Nepal and Christchurch have since become connected in their own way. I felt uneasy in Kathmandu; I could guess at the damage even the smallest earthquake could do. I was used to looking out for it.

Patrick Clifford
2014 Gold Medal interview
When we started out, we spent years hoping we’d get some work, and it was tough. We worked incredibly hard, and I think we still work very diligently. I don’t think we’ve ever got to a point where we take work for granted. There are a lot of good people working out there, and we respect that. We don’t think we get anything as of right.

Pip Cheshire
2013 Gold Medal interview
I’m interested in a kind of clarity, a paring back. That, coupled with an acknowledgement that there are no singular answers anymore. I have no truck with revisited modernism, the kind of neo-modernism that’s going around. We’ve lost the modernist social agenda, so modernism has been disempowered. It has become a style thing.
Stuart Gardyne

Tessa Forde

Patrick Clifford

Pip Cheshire