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Diversity Agenda launch to be live streamed

05 April 2018

Can't get along to the launch of the Diversity Agenda developed by the New Zealand Institute of Architects, Engineering NZ and ACENZ? Tune into the live-stream on Wednesday 11 April.

Sign up to the free live stream here and see how the New Zealand Institute of Architects, Engineering NZ and ACENZ are challenging the diversity status quo in Aotearoa New Zealand's architecture and engineering community.

On Wednesday 11 April, we are launching the Diversity Agenda – an industry-wide call to action addressing critical issues like retaining and promoting women to leadership roles, pay equity and changing the working culture for everyone’s benefit. It signifies a commitment for our industries to be more inspiring and accessible to everyone.

The benefits of a truly diverse workforce are well publicised. We encourage you to join industry leaders virtually (if you can't attend the live event) and learn how you can become a change maker – and why you should.

The backbone of the Agenda is a clear industry target – 20 per cent more women in engineering and architecture roles by 2021 – which gives organisations something to commit and measure up to. By working together to give practical advice and thought leadership, we’ll use the agenda to give industry the reason, the drive and the tools to evolve both our collective talent pool and our culture.

Whatever your starting point, now’s the time to act.

Diversity Agenda - Launch

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

5.50 pm – 6:20 pm

Sign up to the free live stream here.