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New Zealand Institute of Architects








Finalist - Robyn Kay Du Preez

Robyn Kay Du Preez from Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau Auckland University Of Technology, School of Future Environments—Huri te Ao is a finalist for her project 'The Reconnected: Medium-density housing designed to conserve and regenerate native biodiversity in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand'.

Judges citation 

This medium-density housing solution is admirable in its tackling of a multi-crisis situation. The strength of the designer’s foundational research informs a comprehensive response to fostering reconnection with and respect for our natural environment.

The place-based design maps numerous geographic and environmental details and explores cultural identity within the site. Rich thinking is expressed.


Project description

The built environment has long distanced humans from nature, resulting in a disconnect that hides the detrimental effects our actions have on biodiversity. This separation has led to habitat loss, environmental degradation and a fractured relationship between people and the natural world. Medium-density housing developments offer an opportunity to address these challenges by rethinking how we design and who we design for.

The Reconnected breaks down the physical and mental barriers that separate homes from the natural world. By embracing interconnectedness, it shows how we can shift from a mindset of separation to one of coexistence and mutual support.