Finalist – Carleone Posada
Carleone Posala, from the Unitec Department of Architecture, was a finalist in the 2018 NZIA Resene Student Design Awards for his project, 'Dead Reckoning'.
Project description
How might we elevate our understanding of indigenous cultures through refining an architectural artefact in a progressive society? In answering this question, this project investigates the significance of an ancient Samoan artefact, the Fale Tele, used to connect people to their heritage and order society for nearly 3,000 years. Through architectural exploration, the study seeks to understand how this artefact might be redefined to better serve our way of life today and, in doing so, places emphasis on recording existing indigenous knowledge and finding ways to use it in a contemporary setting.
An investigation of the Samoan fale is the occasion for a personal journey of discovery, and a reflection on the themes of connectedness and belonging. The scheme is a bold gesture, and also a sensitive attempt to give contemporary architectural expression to a traditional building type that is of absolute cultural centrality.