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New Zealand Institute of Architects








Finalist: Shane Tregidga

Shane Tregidge, 2014 student design awards finalist.

The Steaks are High by Shane Tregidga, Unitec Department of Architecture.

Starting from the premise that expanding the acreage given over to corn cropping will eventually be unsustainable, this project proposes an intensive beef producing system that is an alternative to the American feedlot model. Stacked feeding platforms, in city settings, dramatically reduce the footprint of beef production facilities, and also promote to urban dwellers an in-your-face awareness of meat making. A concern for animal welfare is another motivating factor of the scheme.


Shane foregrounds the issues attending modern bovine grazing in his proposal for a vertical urban tower for the production of beef. A cow ‘cradle to grave’ system – it could also work for goats and pigs, where culturally appropriate – confronts city dwellers with the realities of the provision of their meat. The scheme is supported by in-depth research and was rendered possible by an enterprising, problem-solving attitude.

Other finalists