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Christchurch Town Hall

Warren and Mahoney Architects

Jury citation

The terms ‘world class’, ‘iconic’ and ‘beloved’ are often overused, but in this instance they are truly apt. Tossed towards the Avon River in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, this magnificent building sat awaiting almost certain demolition until the Christchurch City Council’s brave and visionary decision to restore and upgrade the entire complex - to include a substantial annex for the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, as well as improved accessibility, occupant safety, flexibility and upgraded technology. This ambitious project guided wholly by the principle of ‘do as little as possible, but as much as necessary’ has seen a small army of architects, engineers and contractors working closely together in the most trying conditions. The architects have shown leadership, sensitivity and intelligence in bringing this building back to life with the finest level of care and detail - slavish in some areas and bold in others - breathing new joy into this important building. Built around one of the country’s best rooms, the Douglas Lilburn Auditorium (also known as the ‘living room of Christchurch’), this town hall complex is now perhaps better than it ever was, and stands as testament to the power of architecture and the importance of culture.