Our structure
Governance of the Institute is undertaken by the Institute Council, led by an elected President, which meets four times a year.
In its decision making, the Council is guided by a set of rules that define objectives and help decide matters of importance. The Council’s composition is determined by election, with Institute members in each of the eight branches voting for a regional representative. The four schools of architecture and the New Zealand Registered Architects Board are also represented.
Huia Reriti, FNZIA, Architect
Huia Reriti (Ngāi Tahu) was announced President Elect of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects in May 2023 and assumed his role as President in May 2024.
A partner at MAP Architects in Ōtautahi Christchurch, Huia brings a wealth of experience to the role and a deep respect for the profession, its history and its future. Huia completed a Bachelor of Architecture at Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland and worked for William (Bill) Tuarau Royal’s practice and Warren and Mahoney in Ōtautahi.
Huia credits his late mother, Dame Aroha Reriti-Crofts, as an inspiration in driving his career. “Anything I do, my mum and my taua have guided me and will continue to guide me,” he says.
Past president Judith Taylor acknowledges Huia as a widely respected architect of considerable ability. “It is exciting to welcome our first Māori President at a time when talented indigenous architects are achieving international acclaim for their work,” she says.
Huia’s Presidency of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects is a two-year term.
Current Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects Board
President: Huia Reriti
Auckland Director: Michael Thomson
Gisborne & Hawke's Bay Director: Chris Ainsworth
Waikato & Bay of Plenty Director: Evan Mayo
Western Director: Felicity Wallace
Wellington Director: Vacant
Nelson & Marlborough Director: Simon Hall
Canterbury Director: Michael Smith
Southern Director: Tim Ross
Co-Opted Emerge Representative: Harry Platt
Co-Opted Ngā Aho Representative: Matt Ritani
Policies set by Council fit broadly into the following areas: practice support, membership services and professional development. Members assist with work in these areas to ensure that all members are kept up to date with developments and services.
The network of eight branches throughout the country provides a place for local membership services and activities and a connection with local communities. They also help members stay connected with current issues and provide local support to the profession.
Each Branch has a committee, led by a Chairperson elected from the local membership.
Current Branch Chairs
Auckland: Peter Townsend
Waikato & Bay of Plenty: Brendon Gordon
Gisborne & Hawke's Bay: Yvonne Forrest
Western: Jono Murdoch
Wellington: Tina Williams
Nelson & Marlborough: Magdalena Garbarczyk
Canterbury: Daniel Sullivan
Southern: Shana Payne
Our Structure
The NZIA Council
Members nationwide elect representatives to Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects Council. Policies set by council fit broadly into the following areas: practice support, membership services and professional development. A network of eight branches throughout the country provides a local focus for members, who use their branch as an avenue for involvement in the Institute’s activities. The day-to-day work of the Institute is undertaken by a small team of professionals led by a chief executive.